Tuesday, 30 April 2019

35 History Bus Bluebell Walks through Strelley and Bilborough villages- a new leaflet

My apologises for not posting to History By Bus more frequently but when you're 75 life has the habit of diverting you: ill-health (I have pulmonary lung fibrosis which I manage quite well but the cold damp windy weather of late caused me problems so I just had to stop and rest up); election work for the Labour Party and other commitments, and there are always my household responsibilities. Finally there is the growing realisation on my part that I'm becoming a 'half-day person'. Well this is enough about getting old and time to share some good news. My new 35 walks leaflet and map is with the printer and I will be distributing copies on Saturday 4 May at the Wigman Road Top bus stops between 11am and 3pm.

To enlarge the leaflet (which is A4 landscape size) click on the images. To capture and print off use whatever program your computer uses. It has been design to fold into A5 portrait (4 sides) then in half to create a A6 landscape size pocket leaflet.

The orange lines in the background are my layout grids.

Tomorrow I will add some photographs and links. In the meantime I hope you find the leaflet of interest.

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