Friday, 3 May 2019

Wigman Road Top apologies and where you can find the 35 History Bus Bluebell leaflet

The weather in Nottingham over the last few days has taken a turn for the worse with the result that I have picked up a lung infection, which means I will not be at Wigman Road Top tomorrow (Saturday) as promised. With luck the local churches and the Mulberry Tree CafĂ© in Strelley Hall's old stable block will have copies of the leaflet available whilst stocks last (200 have been printed). I will try to get the leaflets to them ASAP but it will not be for a few days. 

If you are reading this then you will be able to see the leaflet. Its design should make it easy to read on a smartphone.

I have a photo 'essay' of the walks to post but it will have to wait until I have the energy. Right now I'm very tired.

I will be 75 in the next few days and have had a condition known as Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) since I was 71. There are bad times and the weather, along with crowds, can make it worst and now is one of those occasions.

From now on I will work with other people and groups when a opportunity occurs but I have decided I can no longer do things  on my own.

The good news is that this should mean more time for this blog. For a week or so, whilst I recover, please bear with me.

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